Interested in membership? We invite you to join us for our next service or event...
School & Adult Learning
April B'Simcha will feature our 3rd Graders! Please join us for a musical service led in part by students in Grade 3.
Check the weekly school news for more school happenings!
Hot Off the Presses!
Members logged into their account can view it here.
Open to all Jewish teens of the appropriate age! You do not have to be a member of Temple Sinai or a resident of Sharon to join.
TASTY (Grades 9-12): Purim Carnival Prep; Hamantaschen Making; Winter Book Club (February)
Jr. TASTY (Grades 6-8): Hamantaschen Making (March)
Click Here to learn more
Click Here to register for TASTY 5785
Click Here to register for Jr. TASTY 5785
Light Beyond the Shadows
Sheila Pallay and Julius Muller depict the Legacy of the Czech Torah Scrolls and the Renewal of Jewish Life in Czechia. Learn more here.
Temple Sinai Publications
Rabbi Meszler's recent books are available for purchase in the Temple Office. Sold separately for $18 each - book bundle is sold out. Visit the Rabbi's book page for more info and to order yours today!
News & Events
Sinai Silver Simcha Celebration on Saturday, March 29th!
Donations & Tributes accepted through March 24th.
All proceeds from this exciting event will support our next building project: replacing the roof over our offices to keep our clergy and staff warm and dry.
Click here to donate.
Community Seder with Rabbi Meszler
Sunday, April 13 at 6 PM
All are welcome to join us for our catered dinner (kosher-for-Passover).
RSVP Here by no later than March 26
Community Craft and Vendor Fair
Sunday, April 27, 2025
Calling all vendors and crafters! Two weeks before Mother's Day, Temple Sinai will host its annual spring Community Craft and Vendor Fair!
Click here to learn more and register.
Donations For Israel
Save a life in Israel from thousands of miles away.
Your donation ensures Magen David Adom's 33,000 paramedics, EMTS, first responders, and first-aid providers -- volunteers and staff -- have the training, equipment, and medical supplies they need to treat all injured and ill people in Israel. Click here to donate today.
Donations for Ukraine
The war in Ukraine continues with no end in sight, and once more, your generous support is needed to relieve the Ukranian people’s suffering.
We are collecting Tylenol, Advil, and vitamins for Ukraine in a bin in the social action station opposite the bathrooms. We thank you for your support.
Alternatively, you can also donate items for the Jewish Community using this Amazon List.
Please note you will need to be logged into your member account.